كتاب محاضرات الفيزياء الهندسية Engineering Physics pdf
كتاب الفيزياء الهندسية Engineering Physics pdf
for the British university in Yemen
Dr. Hasan m Maridi
المحاضرات عبارة عن ملف pdf على شكل شرائح من نوع بوربوينت ppt
Fundamental and derived units.
Units of length, weight, mass, time.
Properties of Matter Dimensional Analysis
Conversion of Units
Coordinate Systems
Vector and Scalar Quantities
Some Properties of Vectors
Components of a Vector and Unit Vectors
Scalar Product of Vectors
The Concept of Force
Newton’s First Law
Newton’s Second Law
Mass and weight
The Gravitational Force and Weight
Newton’s Third Law
Free body diagram
Forces of Friction
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